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The way forward


Social justice embodies the vision of a society that is equitable and in which all members are physically and psychologically safe. Social justice also demands that all people have a right to basic human dignity and to have their basic economic needs met. Our commitment to social justice recognizes that health is affected by a host of social factors. It is not possible to address trauma and violence without also wrestling with poverty, racism, sexism, classism, homophobia and all other forms of stigma. Because of this, we cannot ignore deep seated inequalities as we seek answers to problems like violence and trauma. Rather, we must struggle with these problems clearly and honestly. ~Barry S. Levy and Victor Sidel (2006) The nature of social injustice and its impact on public health, p. 8

I’m tired of the news. I’m tired of the way it makes things spectacular that aren’t, and deals so simplistically with what is truly appalling. I’m tired of the vitriol. I’m tired of the anger. I’m tired of the meanness. I’m tired of the selfishness. I’m tired of how we’re doing nothing to stop it. I’m tired of how we’re encouraging it. I’m tired of the violence there is and I’m tired of the violence that’s on its way, that’s coming, that hasn’t happened yet. I’m tired of liars. I’m tired of sanctified liars. I’m tired of how those liars have let this happen. I’m tired of having to wonder whether they did it out of stupidity or did it on purpose. I’m tired of lying governments. I’m tired of people not caring whether they’re being lied to anymore. I’m tired of being made to feel this fearful. I’m tired of animosity.  ~Ali Smith (2016) Autumn, pp. 56-57

What would you call a system that used force, violence, coercion, and intimidation to compel one person to work for the benefit of another person or persons?  Whenever I ask this of one of my undergraduate classes it usually takes about five seconds for someone to blurt out, “slavery!”  Exactly. The class then becomes very uncomfortable and unhappy looking when I ask if there is any different between this and the welfare state or the “social justice” that so many of them have been indoctrinated into celebrating. ~Professor Walter E. Williams

Governments, world wide, impose their wills on their public as a means of control. In his lecture “Politics as a Vocation” (1918), Max Weber defines the state as a “human community that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.” Thus the state holds the exclusive right to use, threaten, or authorize physical force against residents of its territory. (That view must change and soon.) Governments world wide believe that they need to use violence to intimidate their populace into acquiescence.

The word ‘democracy’ carries great weight with civilized people, the truly virtuous in our world are forced to acknowledge the truth about democracy: the fundamental characteristic of governments is uncivilized force and brutal violence. The vast machinery of governments is used to crush any and all movements that questions the authority of those who own the economic power.

The institution of government uses economics and violence as tools to manage the public. The public are indoctrinated to believe in the authority of government and the necessity of the state. The public are offered the illusion of freedom and the freedoms the state permits are sufficient for the public’s acquiescence. These are the powers and control structures of our world.

The first mechanism of control over a society is to induce uncertainty and fear. Governments and their henchmen influence, shape and control the mainstream media that sell the fearmongering to the public, hour after hour, day after day. Everything is presented as a menacing threat. Fear disempowers people, it scrambles their brains, it causes individuals to panic and lose their power of reasoning, stability and mental health.

The main stream media promotes violence, fear and terror to control its public by means of specific agendas. The public has to be shown the mainstream’s lies and platitudes, its pretences; how they overtly and covertly support cruelty, dishonesty, elitism, violence and hatred.

Our need for truthful reliable sources of information is greater than it ever was. It is unclear if the traditional mainstream media can ever be part of the mission. Quite likely, the institutions that desperately needs to carry out that critical mission, are yet to be born.

Criminals are in power world wide, and the public are poisoned by their systematic lies.  One person, alone, can’t change anything, an unjust authority can be overturned only by great numbers of people working together with discipline and persistence. We would follow the nonaggression principle, the golden rule, and the universal laws that govern a healthy world. I’m acting here as a single voice of a global population that has had enough of violence and lies to campaign for transparency, equality, freedom, truth, and real democracy. As Arundhati Roy profoundly said, “the only thing worth globalizing is dissent.”

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