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It is imperative to begin our exodus away from tech companies under the control of the rulers


From the outset, the official response was a brief lockdown. However, that was simply the beginning. People are being arrested for protesting lockdowns, this censorship will get worse, and potentially escalate to more dangerous authoritarian levels.

There are more lockdowns, increased policing, the suspension of democracy, pushing mandatory vaccines, a permanent new normal.

The virus is not unusual or dangerous and no measures – beyond normal flu season precautions for the vulnerable – are necessary.

The COVID hysterics continue to be exposed.

The pandemic is a scam to control humanity: body, mind and society.

We must defeat the psychopaths as we have no alternative.

We are lied to! Here Is How…

There is proof that the pandemic was planned with a particular purpose in mind: control the masses by various means and reduce the world’s population by 10-15%.

Thousands of medical doctors call the pandemic a global crime, and a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse.

Two years before COVID -19 came to the global scene, the European Union, the USA, China and other nations suddenly started exporting tens of millions of test kits for COVID -19.

In 2013 a musician predicts a global pandemic with a coronavirus and said this will happen in 2020. He knew this because of personal investigation of so-called ‘conspiracy theories.’

In 2017 Anthony Fauci guaranteed a surprise outbreak of infectious disease during the first term of the Trump administration.

Right before the outbreak of a coronavirus pandemic, Bill Gates organized a global coronavirus pandemic exercise: Event201.

Right before the outbreak, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board told the world to be ready for a coronavirus pandemic.

In 2018 the Institute for Disease Modelling announced a global pandemic with a flu virus, originating in China in the area of Wuhan.

In 2018 Bill and Melinda Gates announced that in the coming years there would be a global pandemic of an engineered virus.

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was created in the Bio-Safety Lab Level 4 in Wuhan, which received millions of dollars from Anthony Fauci.

Several movies depicted the coronavirus pandemic with great detail, and mention hydroxychloroquine as the cure.

The Summer Olympics in 2012 played a pandemic of a coronavirus during their opening show.

The investigative journalist Harry Vox predicted in 2014 that a global pandemic would be caused, so the ‘ruling class’ could implement a higher level of authoritarian control.

The investigative journalist Anthony Patch predicted a global pandemic with a man-made virus, that would be used to force a DNA altering vaccine on humanity.

Dr Carrie Madej studied DNA and vaccines for decades and says the plan is to use the Covid-19 vaccine to start the process of transhumanism: reprogramming the human DNA.

The CIA officer Dr John Coleman studied secret societies and says their goal is to depopulate the earth by means of organized pandemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases.

In the state of Georgia, a huge monument was erected in 1980 with ten guidelines for humanity, in eight languages. The first of these ‘Ten Commandments’ is that humanity needs to be reduced to half a billion people.

Bill Gates said during a TED talk that new vaccines can be used to reduce the world’s population by 10-15%.

The ‘health ranger’ Mike Adams predicted, years ago, what we see happening now: the release of an engineered bioweapon, followed by a vaccine mandate, massive government funding for the vaccine industry and a vaccine that is being developed in record time. He also predicted that this vaccine will kill innumerable people over the course of a couple of years.

In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation published the ‘Scenario for the future …’ in which they describe a coming global pandemic, that should result in the implementation of authoritarian control over the people, which will then intensify after the pandemic.

In 2020 they published a handbook on how to create this world of control, with a step by step guide. They said that life cannot return back to normal until the world has become ‘Locked Down’ with this top-down control from authoritarian governments.

We indeed see that Bill Gates and others worldwide are seizing control in unprecedented ways, with enforcing vaccine ID’s, microchips that will be implanted into people, mandating the wearing of face masks, social distancing, forced lock-downs, extreme contact tracing, and so on.

Part of this top-down control is extreme censoring of every single voice from doctors, scientists or other experts that criticize what is going on.

The NWO controllers orchestrating operation coronavirus have taken a normal part of our immune system and classified it as a virus or pathogen. Then, they appointed their minions to go about and test everyone, knowing the tests are testing for sequences of human DNA itself, rendering them meaningless and leading to a barrage of false positives. Consequently, people are being stripped of freedom and their rights based on faulty tests and fraudulent re-definition of medical terms like cases – when they are not even sick, and even if they were, when the government has absolutely no right to violate them in this way. There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is a real-world virus, not just some Frankenstein theoretical virus existing only in a database.

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