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Our world would be much better off without the state


It is the news reader’s task to sell the 1 percenters’ programmes and ideas to the ignorant public. Thus the public only knows what it is they are told by the mainstream media’ processes. And that is how the people are largely controlled: by means of vile propaganda.

The public is like sheep (let’s not pretend otherwise) they follow the crowd and obey orders. They are unable to stand up and speak out and question the figures of authority. They choose to fit in (in fear of isolation and more) and readily give away their power, rights and dignity.

What did we learn from the Nuremberg and Adolf Eichmann trials, Stanley Milgram’s and Philip George Zimbardo’s research, and the film ‘Compliance’ (2012)?

We learned that the foremost weakness of human nature is obedience to authority figures—the human Achilles heel—open for exploitation by ruthless opportunistic psychopaths. This profound weakness explains, in part,  the miserable state of our world.

What is the most dangerous outcome for the 1 percenters?

That the public wakes up to the simple truth that they are many whereas the 1 percenters are few very few, in fact. Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are prime examples of the 1 percenters fear. They know their strength and speak their own language and challenge the masters’ authority and expose their misdeeds.

The Embassy of Ecuador in London, for almost seven years, had granted Julian Assange diplomatic asylum until his diplomatic status was revoked. On Thursday 11 April 2019, he was arrested at the embassy. The sickening sight of Julian Assange being dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy was an affront to human decency, a shameful contempt for democracy and total disdain for long honoured refugee rights.

Shortly after that event, the U.S. Department of Justice revealed a grand jury indictment against the WikiLeaks founder.

Wikileaks’ 6 largest document dumps

1. Collateral Murder: Iraq/Afghanistan war logs (2010)

2. Embarrassing US State Department Cables (2010-11)

3. DNC Clinton emails (2016)

4. ‘Vault 7’ CIA hacking documents (2017)

5. The US uses the IMF and the World Bank as ‘weapons’ (2008)

6. Guantanamo prison operating ‘manual’ (2007)

We must increase our efforts to save both Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange and make their freedom a reality.

It’s high time for a real change, not some bullshit incrementalism. The State has a strange status as a tiny minority of the population that adheres to different rules from everyone else and claims the authority to rule everyone else, maintaining a monopoly on law. This situation is obviously implausible that such an institution has any real staying power. It can be overthrown in an instant if only people withdraw their consent.

It is obvious that everyone would be better off without the state. This situation can be explained by the power of propaganda, fear, and ideology causing people to acquiesce in their own subjection. Much much more can be said on this important and essential topic.


1. Eric Frank Russell (1951) . . . And Then There Were None

2. The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Étienne de la Boétie

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